Recommended Resources
MA Dance & Somatic Wellbeing UCLAN
Abram, David. (1996) The spell of the Sensuous: perception and language in a more-thanhuman
world. NY: Random House, Inc.
Almaas, A.H. (1987) Diamond Heart: Book One: Elements of the Real in Man. Boston:
Shambala Production
Almaas, A.H. (1988) The Pearl Beyond Price: Integration of Personality into Being: An
Object Relations Approach, Diamond Mind Series, No 2, Boston: Shambala Publications
Almaas, A.H, (2002) Spacecruiser Inquiry, True Guidance for the Inner Journey. Boston:
Shambala Books
Almaas, A.H. (2008) The Unfolding Now: Realizing Your True Nature Through Presence.
Boston: Shambala Productions
Blau, Herbert (2002) The Dubious Spectacle; Extremities of Theater, 1976-2000, Mineapolis,
MN: University of Minnesota Press
Bohm, D. (1980) Wholeness and the Implicate Order. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Cohen. B.B. (1993) Sensing, Feeling and Action, The Experiential Anatomy of Body-Mind
Centering. USA: Contact Editions
Corbett, L. (2007) Psyche and the Sacred: Spirituality beyond Religion. New Orleans: Spring
Journal Books, 2007)
Hanna, T. (1986) “What is Somatics?” Somatics Magazine: Journal of the Bodily Arts and
Sciences, 4 pp. 4-8.
Hartley, L. (2004) Somatic Psychology - Body, Mind and Meaning, USA: Whurr Publishers
Hartley. L. (1989) Wisdom of the Body Moving: An Introduction to Body-Mind Centering.
Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
Hillman, J. (1997) The Thought of the Heart, and, The Soul of the World. 3rd ed. Canada:
Spring Publications, Inc.
Maitland, J. (1995) Spacious Body: Explorations in Somatic Ontology. Berkley, California:
North Atlantic Books.
LaMothe Kimerer (2015) Why We Dance: A Philosophy of Bodily Becoming. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Lowen, A. (1976a) Bioenergetics. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books.
McNiff, S. (1992) Art as Medicine: Creating a Therapy of the Imagination. USA: Shambala
Olsen, A., Mchose. C. (2014) The place of dance. USA: Wesleyan University Press.
Olsen, A., Mchose, C. (1998) Bodystories – A Guide to Experiential Anatomy. USA:
University Press of New England.
Olsen, A. (2002) Body and Earth, an Experimental Guide. USA; University Press of New
Tufnell, M & Crickmay, C. (2004) A Widening Field, UK: Dance Books.
Williamson, A., et al. eds. (2014) Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities: Contemporary Sacred
Narratives. UK: Intellect Ltd.